Professional Foresters Registration


Professional Foresters Registration shall protect the public interest through the regulation of those individuals who are licensed to practice the profession of forestry, and whose activities have an impact upon the ecology of forested landscapes and the quality of the forest environment, within the State of California.


Professional Foresters Law of 1972 (PFL) became effective on January 1, 1973, and actually preceded enactment of the Z’berg-Nejedly Forest Practices Act of 1973. The law requires all persons who wish to call themselves "professional foresters" or to act in the capacity thereof, to become registered as such through the Office of Professional Foresters Registration. Further, it outlines the guiding principles and responsibilities of Registered Professional Foresters and provides the State with vital professionals who are knowledgeable in developing and carrying out forest management plans.

With the passage of the PFL, the Legislature declared the existence of a public interest in the management and treatment of the forest resources and timberlands in California and regulates all persons who practice the profession of forestry. The intent of the Law is to provide a source of forest management experts--knowledgeable, trained, experienced and skilled in the scientific fields relating to forestry.

A similar process to becoming a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) applies to becoming a Certified Specialist, but the test is more specific to the field of specialization. Currently, the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection has established only one specialty, that of the Certified Rangeland Manager (CRM).