RPF/CRM Rosters

Why use a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) or Certified Rangeland Manager (CRM)? On forested landscapes, conducting forestry or range management work, it is the law.

PRC 753. Forestry.

“Forestry,” as used in this article, refers to the science and practice of managing forested landscapes and the treatment of the forest cover in general, and includes, among other things, the application of scientific knowledge and forestry principles in the fields of fuels management and forest protection, timber growing and utilization, forest inventories, forest economics, forest valuation and finance, and the evaluation and mitigation of impacts from forestry activities on watershed and scenic values, to achieve the purposes of this article. The practice of forestry applies only to those activities undertaken on forested landscapes.….public and private foresters are required to be licensed pursuant to this article when making evaluations and determinations of the appropriate overall combination of mitigations of impacts from forestry activities necessary to protect all forest resources.

Please utilize the RPF and CRM consulting and CFIP lists below when conducting forestry or range operations on forested landscapes to ensure services from a qualified, licensed professional. For further clarification, please see POLICY NUMBER 11: Guidance on the Practice of Forestry as it Relates to Other Professions linked HERE.

CalTREES will be unavailable for deployment of the Contacts 2.0 enhancement starting 5:00 pm Friday 1/20/2023 and ending 5:00 pm Sunday 1/22/2023.



Note: Most consultants provide forestry services statewide. The Association of Consulting Foresters (ACF) maintains a separate list of their members.